Epoxy Flooring Warranty
We use only the best products available on the market today. This combined with the level of our experience gives you the confidence that you will get a finished product that not only stands the test of time but also looks great.
When you choose an epoxy from any of our epoxy products, Epoxy2U Australia warranties the adhesion of 6150RC for 10 years from the date of application when applied following all manufacturer instructions onto a properly prepared concrete substrate.
In order to claim on the adhesion warranty when using 6150RC the following documents will be prepared on your behalf:
- Before photos
- After grind photos
- Photos of any repair or crack filling conducted and the products used
- Photographs of batch numbers for each kit used (A and B sides)
- Moisture testing results, 9lbs/1000ft2/24hour per ASTM F1869-98
- After photos, full broadcast of flake or other media is required
- Date(s) and location
- Job size
- Kits used

Learn more about our Epoxy Flooring and Commercial Epoxy Flooring services.